spooky dessert ghostly meringue recipe 2

Get ready to add a spooky twist to your dessert table with this Ghostly Meringue Recipe! With just a few simple ingredients, you can whisk up some ethereal meringue ghost shapes that are both crisp and delicious. These ghostly treats are then adorned with chocolate chips for eyes, adding an extra touch of spookiness to your Halloween festivities. So grab your whisk and let’s get baking!


To make ghostly meringues, you will need the following ingredients:

Egg whites

Egg whites are the star of this recipe and provide the base for the meringue. They give the meringues their light and airy texture.


Sugar is essential for sweetening the meringues and helping to stabilize the egg whites. It adds a touch of sweetness to balance out the flavors.

Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract is used to enhance the flavor of the meringues. It adds a subtle hint of vanilla that complements the other ingredients.

Chocolate chips

For the finishing touch, chocolate chips are used to create the ghostly eyes on the meringues. They add a touch of decadence and make the meringues even more appealing.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following equipment on hand:

Electric mixer

An electric mixer is a must-have for this recipe as it makes whisking the egg whites and sugar a breeze. It saves time and effort compared to whisking by hand.

Piping bag

A piping bag is used to shape the meringues into ghost-like figures. It gives you more control and precision when piping the meringue mixture onto the baking sheet.

Baking sheet

A baking sheet is where the meringues are baked. Make sure to use a flat baking sheet that’s large enough to accommodate all the ghost shapes.

Parchment paper

Parchment paper is used to line the baking sheet and prevent the meringues from sticking. It makes cleanup much easier and ensures that the meringues retain their shape.

Spooky Dessert: Ghostly Meringue Recipe

Preparation Time

Before diving into the recipe, let’s break down the preparation time for making these ghostly meringues:

Total time: X minutes

The total time required for this recipe may vary depending on your experience and level of comfort in the kitchen.

– Mixing: X minutes

Mixing the ingredients to make the meringue is a crucial step. It involves whisking the egg whites, gradually adding sugar, and incorporating the vanilla extract.

– Baking: X minutes

The baking time for these meringues is relatively low to ensure that they become crisp without browning too much. This step is crucial for achieving the perfect texture.

– Decorating: X minutes

Decorating the meringues with chocolate chips is the final step in the recipe. It adds the spooky ghost eyes and gives the meringues a festive touch.

Step 1: Preparing the Meringue

To start, let’s prepare the meringue mixture:

Separate egg whites

Carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, ensuring that no trace of yolk gets into the whites. Even a small amount of yolk can prevent the egg whites from properly whipping up.

Whisk egg whites

Using an electric mixer, whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks. This process incorporates air into the egg whites, making them light and fluffy.

Gradually add sugar

While whisking the egg whites, gradually add the sugar. This helps stabilize the meringue and create a glossy texture.

Add vanilla extract

Once the sugar is fully incorporated, add the vanilla extract to the meringue mixture. The vanilla extract enhances the flavor and adds a delightful aroma to the meringues.

Spooky Dessert: Ghostly Meringue Recipe

Step 2: Piping the Ghost Shapes

Now that the meringue is ready, it’s time to shape it into ghost-like figures:

Prepare piping bag

Fit a piping bag with a round tip that is suitable for piping the meringue. This will give you control over the shape of the ghosts.

Fill piping bag

Transfer the meringue mixture into the piping bag, making sure it is securely sealed. Twist the top of the bag to prevent any mixture from escaping while piping.

Pipe ghost shapes on parchment paper

On a lined baking sheet, pipe ghost shapes using the meringue mixture. Start by piping a base shape and then add a smaller peak on top to resemble a ghost’s head.

Step 3: Baking the Meringues

With the ghost shapes piped onto the baking sheet, it’s time to bake them to perfection:

Preheat oven

Preheat your oven to a low temperature. The ideal temperature for baking meringues is typically around 200°F (95°C).

Bake at a low temperature

Place the baking sheet with the piped ghost shapes in the preheated oven. Bake them at a low temperature for about 1 to 1.5 hours, or until the meringues are crisp and dry.

Check for crispness

To ensure the meringues are perfectly cooked, gently tap the tops to check for crispness. If they still feel slightly soft or sticky, continue baking for a little longer.

Allow to cool

Once the meringues are done baking, remove them from the oven and allow them to cool completely on the baking sheet. This will help them firm up and retain their shape.

Step 4: Decorating the Ghostly Meringues

With the meringues cooled, it’s time to bring them to life by adding the finishing touches:

Melt chocolate chips

Using either a microwave or a double boiler, melt the chocolate chips until they are smooth and liquid. Be sure to stir frequently to avoid burning the chocolate.

Apply melted chocolate for eyes

To create the ghostly eyes, use a small spoon or a piping bag to carefully apply the melted chocolate chips onto the meringues. Add two dots for eyes and let the chocolate set.

Optional: Use additional decorations

If you want to get creative, you can use additional decorations, such as colored sprinkles or edible glitter, to enhance the ghostly appearance of the meringues.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to ensure your ghostly meringues turn out perfectly:

Use room temperature eggs

Before starting the recipe, allow your eggs to come to room temperature. This helps achieve better volume and a more stable meringue when whipping the egg whites.

Be patient while whisking

Whisking the egg whites may take some time, especially if you’re doing it by hand. Be patient and keep whisking until soft peaks form. The result will be well worth the effort.

Avoid overwhisking

While it’s important to whisk the egg whites to achieve the desired texture, be cautious not to overwhisk them. Overwhisking can result in a grainy meringue instead of a smooth one.

Ensure piping consistency

When filling the piping bag, make sure the meringue mixture is of a consistently smooth texture. This will make it easier to pipe precise and uniform ghost shapes.

Serving Suggestions

Now that your ghostly meringues are ready, here are some serving suggestions:

Serve as a spooky Halloween dessert

These ghostly meringues make for the perfect spooky dessert for Halloween parties or gatherings. They are sure to impress both kids and adults alike.

Pair with hot chocolate or coffee

Enjoy your ghostly meringues alongside a warm cup of hot chocolate or a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The combination of the sweet meringues and the warm beverage is a delightful treat.

Enjoy with friends and family

Gather your friends and family around and enjoy these ghostly meringues together. They are a fun and delicious treat that will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Storage and Shelf Life

To store your ghostly meringues for later enjoyment, follow these guidelines:

Store in an airtight container

Place the cooled meringues in an airtight container to prevent them from becoming stale or absorbing moisture. This will help them stay crisp and fresh.

Keep at room temperature

Store the meringues at room temperature, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Extremes in temperature can cause the meringues to become soft or sticky.

Best consumed within X days

For the best taste and texture, it is recommended to consume the ghostly meringues within X days of baking them. After that, they may lose their crispness.

By garden2tableveg

Hello! I'm gardentotableveg.co.uk, the author behind GardenToTableVeg. Welcome to my one-stop destination for all things related to growing and cooking your own vegetables. I firmly believe in the joy that comes with nurturing and watching your vegetables flourish. It's an incredible feeling to harvest your own produce and transform them into mouth-watering culinary creations. Whether you're a novice or an experienced gardener, I'm here to guide you through the process from start to finish. Join me on this delightful journey as we embrace the beauty of nature and discover the rewards of a garden-to-table lifestyle.