tangy tomato salsa with a hint of chili 2

Indulge in the vibrant flavors of our “Tangy Tomato Salsa with a Hint of Chili,” a recipe that will transport your taste buds straight to salsa heaven. Bursting with the freshness of ripe tomatoes, the zing of onions, the brightness of coriander, and just a touch of fiery chili, this salsa is the perfect accompaniment to your tortilla chips. Get ready to dip, scoop, and savor the irresistible combination of tanginess and spice – it’s a salsa sensation you won’t be able to resist.


To make this delicious Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa, you’ll need the following ingredients:

Ripe Tomatoes

Make sure you choose ripe tomatoes for the best flavor. The juiciness and sweetness of ripe tomatoes will enhance the taste of your salsa.


Onions add a delicious and slightly sharp flavor to the salsa. Finely chop them to ensure they distribute evenly throughout the salsa.


Fresh coriander leaves add a burst of freshness to the salsa. The aromatic flavor of coriander complements the other ingredients perfectly.

Lime Juice

Lime juice adds a tangy and citrusy element to the salsa. It helps to balance the flavors and bring out the natural sweetness of the tomatoes.


For a hint of spiciness, add some finely chopped chili to the salsa. Adjust the quantity according to your preference for heat levels. You can choose from a variety of chili peppers depending on your spice tolerance.

Tortilla Chips

Tortilla chips are the perfect accompaniment to this tangy salsa. They add a satisfying crunch and provide a sturdy base for scooping up the deliciousness.

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

This Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa comes together quickly, requiring only 10 minutes of preparation time. It’s a great option when you’re short on time or need a quick and refreshing snack.

Tangy Tomato Salsa with a Hint of Chili

Cooking Time: No cooking required

The best part about this recipe is that it requires no cooking at all. It’s all about fresh ingredients and simple preparation techniques, so you can enjoy the salsa’s vibrant flavors without any hassle.

Step 1: Gather Ingredients

Before starting the preparation, gather all the ingredients needed for the Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa. Having everything ready will make the process smoother and more enjoyable.

Tangy Tomato Salsa with a Hint of Chili

Step 2: Prepare Tomatoes

To start making the salsa, slice the tomatoes into small pieces. Be sure to remove the seeds and excess juice to prevent the salsa from becoming too watery. Place the prepared tomatoes in a bowl.

Step 3: Prepare Onions

Next, finely chop the onions and add them to the bowl with the tomatoes. The onions will add a nice crunch and a slightly pungent flavor to the salsa. Mix the tomatoes and onions well to ensure even distribution.

Step 4: Add Coriander

Chop some fresh coriander leaves and add them to the tomato and onion mixture. The coriander will provide a refreshing aroma and enhance the overall taste of the salsa. Gently stir to combine all the ingredients.

Step 5: Squeeze Lime Juice

Cut a lime in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl containing the tomato, onion, and coriander mixture. The lime juice will bring a tangy and zesty element to the salsa, elevating its flavors. Mix well to incorporate all the ingredients.

Step 6: Add a Hint of Chili

To add a hint of spice to your Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa, finely chop a chili pepper. You can choose the type of chili based on your preferred heat level. Start with a small amount and adjust it according to your taste. Stir well to evenly distribute the spiciness throughout the salsa.

Tips for Variation

While the Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa is already delicious as it is, you can experiment with various variations to suit your taste preferences. Here are some ideas to consider:

Experiment with different chili varieties for varying heat levels

If you enjoy spicier flavors, you can try using different types of chili peppers. Some chili varieties, such as jalapenos or Thai bird’s eye chilies, are hotter than others. Don’t be afraid to explore and find the perfect heat level for your salsa.

Add a touch of garlic for extra flavor

For an extra kick of flavor, you can add some minced garlic to the salsa. Garlic adds a distinct taste that complements the other ingredients beautifully.

Include diced jalapenos for an additional kick

If you enjoy the taste of jalapenos, consider adding some diced jalapenos to the salsa. They will bring an additional layer of spiciness to the mix.

Try adding a splash of lemon juice for a tangy twist

If you want to switch things up a bit, you can substitute lemon juice for the lime juice. Lemon juice will give your salsa a slightly different tangy flavor profile.

For a smoky flavor, grill the tomatoes and onions before preparing the salsa

If you’re in the mood for a smoky twist, try grilling the tomatoes and onions before slicing and chopping them. This will impart a delicious smokiness to the salsa, adding a new dimension to its taste.

With these variations, you can customize the Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa to suit your taste preferences and create exciting flavor combinations.

Enjoy your homemade Vampire Blood Tomato Salsa with tortilla chips, and savor the delicious blend of ripe tomatoes, onions, coriander, lime juice, and a hint of chili. This tangy and refreshing salsa will be a hit at your next gathering or a delicious snack for a cozy movie night.

By garden2tableveg

Hello! I'm gardentotableveg.co.uk, the author behind GardenToTableVeg. Welcome to my one-stop destination for all things related to growing and cooking your own vegetables. I firmly believe in the joy that comes with nurturing and watching your vegetables flourish. It's an incredible feeling to harvest your own produce and transform them into mouth-watering culinary creations. Whether you're a novice or an experienced gardener, I'm here to guide you through the process from start to finish. Join me on this delightful journey as we embrace the beauty of nature and discover the rewards of a garden-to-table lifestyle.